Why “108” Mala Beads?

For centuries, the number 108 has had significance in Hinduism, Buddhism and even in yoga and other spiritual practices. The number itself is a contributing reason why 108 Mala beads are used in each Mala Prayer Necklace.

Did You Know:

  • There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, Shiva and Shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.
  • It is said there are a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, thought to be the path to self-realization, leads to the crown chakra.
  • 9 times 12 is 108. Both 9 and 12 are numbers said to have spiritual significance in many ancient traditions across the world. 9X12 = 108. One example is in Vedic Astrology. There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called chandrakalas.
  • In 108, the 1 stands for higher Truth; the 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in one’s spiritual practice; 8 represents infinity or eternity.
  • It is said in yogic practices that the human soul goes through 108 stages on its journey.
  • It is said there are 108 goddess names

Using The Magic Of 108: Even An Atheist Can Benefit

Anyone can use Mala Prayer Necklaces and start feeling immediate benefits. Mala Prayer Necklaces can be used as a tool to restore your peace of mind in any number of real life bigger-than-life situations.

Mala Prayer Necklaces are not so magical that life’s situations will vanish. They are not like a Harry Potter wand. However, they certainly can be a fantastic tool to help keep you centered.

For instance, a violin student of mine takes his Mala beads to chemotherapy treatments. Having them nearby psychologically helps him. He says it feels grounding.

He chose a Mala Prayer Necklace based on what felt good to him and what spoke to him. He doesn’t do anything specific with it, he simply wears it for comfort. It is a symbol that something more exists. Mala Prayer Necklaces can be beneficial in ways just that simple.

One can use the Mala beads as a reminder to ground one’s self, center one’s self and calm the mind. Mala Prayer Necklaces will not change what is going on in your life, but they can provide a space for a mental break.

To discover other life events Mala beads can be a powerful healing tool, read more here.

You really do not have to be Tibetan or Buddhist to benefit. Mala Prayer Necklaces can be used for any occasion with much success.

Mala Prayer Necklaces as an Every Day Mindful Empowerment Tool

In its most simplistic form, Mala Prayer Necklaces can be used to inhale in the good stuff, exhale out the bad stuff.

In this manner, Mala beads can become your protection, your source of strength. Their benefits can reach far beyond anything religious or spiritual. One does not have to be good at meditation or yoga, or even be spiritual to benefit.

This mindful practice of positive ‘108 times’ every day for 21 days can reach into your unique soul. The practice of using Mala Prayer Necklaces as an every day tool can help you find parts of you that life buried.

This daily practice can resurrect you as the wonderful empowered soul inside a human body you have always been. Every. Single. Time.

More ways to use Mala Prayer Necklaces in every day life, learn more here.

Always remember to Just Breathe…108

Purchase A Mala Prayer Necklace In My Store to Receive These Bonuses

  • A Free Course teaching you how to get the best results from your Mala experience.
  • A Positive Affirmation to focus on as you use your Mala Prayer Necklace.
  • Before I mail your Mala Prayer Necklace, I will go into meditation and draw an angel card for you to accompany your purchase. This mini-reading might provide you with a second affirmation to focus on when using your Mala Prayer Necklace.
  • A complimentary mind-exercise to enhance your Mala experience. This exercise is one of several used in (and only available in) my Sound Bath package, Sounds For Intentional Living.

PS: Receive a Complimentary Mala Prayer Necklace by purchasing the 8-week personalized Sound Bath package, Sounds For Intentional Living.