Sound Bath Set Up for Just Breathe 108 - Dynell Weber

One of the best ways to reduce stress for busy moms can be Sound Meditation Therapy. Modern life is stressful for just about everybody. Today’s digitally connected world is forever demanding our attention, and no one feels the stress of trying to stay on top of everything more than the modern busy mom.

It seems there’s no escape from the constant notifications of the smartphone, to-do list reminders, and chauffeuring kids. Now that we know about the detrimental effects stress can have on the human body, it’s essential that the stressed-out mother pencils in a little me time in which she can recharge and reconnect with herself.

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to learn the art of Sound Meditation. Tibetans have been using sound meditation to explore the spiritual nature of the human condition for centuries, but recent research has revealed that the Tibetan masters were definitely on to something wonderful. [*1]

It seems that practicing mindfulness meditation for a few minutes every day can do wonders for the brain by developing feelings of well-being, as well as beneficial changes occurring on a physiological level.

Tibetans also incorporate sound into their meditation practice by way of the Tibetan Singing Bowl. If they got it right with meditation, then there’s no reason to doubt the healing properties the Tibetan meditation masters have assigned to the Tibetan Singing Bowl.

The singing bowls are crafted from a bronze alloy of copper, tin, zinc, iron, silver, gold, and nickel, and have been used for centuries as an aid to meditation and reaching enlightenment.

The entire universe is awash in a sea of vibration, and even astronomers are exploring how sound may have helped to shape the early universe.

Recent research suggests the arrangement of the universe and the alignment of the galaxies happened the way it did because of huge primordial gas clouds ringing like bells throughout the early cosmos as they pushed back on forced contraction. Matter piled up around the ripples of sound to create the universe in which we live.[*2]

If sound and vibration can push and pull on the very fabric of the universe, then it’s not much of a leap to consider that certain tones and sound harmonics will have a dramatic effect on our physical and mental well-being.

Of course, you don’t have to be a Zen Buddhist to benefit from a relaxing therapy session while you absorb the soothing, harmonious vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls, nor do you even need to be particularly spiritual or theological.

Enlightenment and Nirvana may not be your ultimate goal, but there’s nothing quite like a relaxing sound bath to quiet the mind and escape for a time from the consistent inner chatter of your brain (which Buddha often referred to as the monkey brain).

Most people are surprised by how much inner chatter is happening in there when first exposed to meditation, and it takes quite a lot of practice to turn off the internal dialogue. However, many people who have struggled with meditation report that by focusing on the sweet vibrations of the gongs they can more easily reduce the level of inner chatter.

Meditation has been proven to work, sound waves probably shaped the universe and everything in it, and Tibetan meditation masters are some of the happiest people in the world. What more proof do you need, other than to try it yourself.

Sound meditation is an excellent way to tune out from the world, find some inner peace, and recharge the batteries so you can face the day head on and overcome all the challenges busy mothers have to face from morning to night.

Learn more about the different types of Sound Meditations available here.
