Photo of womanMy name is Jari. I have known Dynell since 2001.

I have observed her intuition and sound vibrational energy balancing techniques grow. She has done energy clearings in my home on two occasions.

Believe me when I say that, when Dynell taps into her Place Of Light and channels her Light Energy — vibrations definitely RAISE.

When she began putting her singing bowls she has had all her life to use, and added a gong to what she can do in the way of sound meditation, I wanted IN on that experience, too.

I was not there for the High Vibrational Sound Bath. I was there to receive Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™. I wanted to go deeper than the High Vibrational Sound Bath would take me.

Knowing the difference she made in my home when she cleared energy there, I also wanted that for my body. That’s why I chose Sound Bath Immersion Therapy.

When I walked into Dynell’s Sound Healing room, I immediately felt like I had been transported to another dimension. She had the candles, the gongs and the singing bowls.

I went with my husband as a date night. Dynells sound healing room transported us right out of our busy day, this was the perfect date night.

She started off with a Soul exercise to activate the Soul connection between my mind and body.

By the time I got to the Sound Bath portion of the session, I felt connected.

It was such a connecting experience, I could access the real me, my soul. It was as if the past/present/future part of “time” in my daily life melted away into a oneness; it was a feeling of “just being”.

I don’t know how to explain it any other way: It was my true self Dynell connected me to.

When I closed my eyes, I just listened to what was going on and became part of it. That is easy for me, because I am use to meditating.

I experienced so many personal things when Dynell played her gong. One thing that repeatedly happened was, my father (who has been dead since I was 14) appeared before me in my minds eye. It was so wonderful to have him there.

Dynell alternated between different instruments. But, whenever she played the gong, my father would arrive.

When she played the gong, I felt it in my pelvic area. The sounds vibrated so deep into my soul, so profoundly, I felt as if I had been transported to another universe or dimension.

I was really able to surrender to the sound like she had encouraged me to aim to do. If I felt any resistance to following the sound, I just told myself, “you have to feel it to heal it”. So I kept my ear on the sound and followed it into total surrender.

When she played her crystal singing bowls, the vibrations went into my chest, and I could feel my body just open to the sound.

My Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™ caused me to think to myself, “this must be what it feels like to exist in a different dimension.”

Where Dynell took me, it definitely did not feel like earth. While her channel was open for Light Energy, I was able to ride the Light Wave and feel both dimensions.

I was on earth, but I could feel the other dimension. On earth, things can be bad or good. Where she took me though, it was nothing but good.

Because Dynell uses Vibration Of Light in the Distant Healing prior to the session, I could touch the other dimensions of Light. Sound vibrations in combination with her channels opened makes it easy to feel other dimensions that exist..

I was under a lot of anxiety before arriving at Dynells. Once fully into the process she gave me, I was taken right to where I belong.

This journey through sound vibration energy balancing was just what I needed.

She has a few instruments she uses. One was this tinkly sound that just made me feel all sparkly inside my head.

She used her instruments to effect each area of my body.

Being someone who meditates, I was able to be in touch with how each part of my body responded to what she was doing and the places she was taking me.

While with Dynell, I accessed the real me, the part of me that I have never been able to access.

I know this has never happened before. Dynell’s ability  to channel her light, and also her spirituality is why this could even happen.

She is a deeply spiritual person.

She isn’t spiritual in your typical “LA” way fads are why things are successful for a time. This is who she has been for as long as I have known her.

Sound Baths are popping up everywhere. However, Dynell brings such an intimate unique Soul Approach to her Sound Baths by bringing in the Vibration Of Light form her Place Of Light, her natural gifts she fuses with sound make her stand out.

Dynell is in touch with her original self which she recalls from before she was born. This is what takes her sound baths to a totally different level I haven’t found anywhere in any niche. It is also why I could experience something so profound with her for the first time in my life.

I felt that Dynell was putting her full TRUE self into it. She wasn’t holding back, wasn’t putting anything on.

With Dynell, what you see is what you get. My husband has said, as he holds out his arm and points to his sleeve, “Dynell wears her heart and who she is on her sleeve for all to see. She is sincere.”

For as long as I have known her, Dynell has always been shy about bringing her gifts forward for people to see. As a result, she brings her total unique self to the sound journey experience.

Where I went to in that session, it was where I was suppose to be. She took me through it by being who she is. I realize it was a once in a life time experience, and there is more to life than I ever knew.

Thanks Dynell.
