Follow up testimonial:
From Kimberly. FYI: She actually wrote this text to someone else, who then made me aware of it. With her permission, I am using it as a follow-up testimony.
“Speaking of reporting about Sound Baths, yesterday I was feeling anxious. It was an oddly foreign feeling (for my baseline feeling is usually anxiety). I realized that since Dynell’s Sound Bath Immersion Therapy treatment she gave me, I have been feeling fairly even. “Content” (for lack of a better word). So I would say the powerful benefits – for me! Her Sound Bath Immersion Therapy treatment she gave me lasted almost 4 weeks!! Pretty good, I think!”
What Is A Sound Healing Experience?
A Sound Healing Experience is an acoustic sound journey designed to relax the body, clear the mind, and activate the body’s natural healing systems.
What Types Of Sound Baths Does ‘Just Breathe 108’ Offer?
Just Breathe 108 offers five types of Sound Baths: The 3 types that include all the instruments are Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™, High Vibrational Sound Bath ™, and Sounds For Intentional Living ™.
The two types that use only one type of instrument are Gong Therapy Sound Bath ™ and Healing Sounds Of Ancient Tibet ™
To see the differences, click on the above links, or check out the FAQ section.
In the sound baths that use everything, I use a variety of ancient sound healing instruments: a planetary tuned gong (Jupiter), crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls and a few others sound healing instruments. When used in unison, these instruments can vibrate and activate every cell in your body, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed.
The other two types of Sound Baths are very specific to two instruments. The Gong Therapy Sound Bath uses only the gong; Ancient Sounds Of Ancient Tibet is a type of sound therapy devoted entirely to the Tibetan singing bowls. I place the bowls around your body, and sometimes on your body for full vibration and deep relaxation. Links to each are above.
For any session, all you have to do is lie down and let the cosmic vibrations wash away stress and all that no longer serve you.
How Do I Know Which Sound Bath Is Right For Me?
If you are having trouble deciding which Sound Bath is right for you after reading through each page, I recommend you go to my this page of my FAQ section and read the story how each sound session evolved over time.
Sometimes, hearing a background how things evolved can help a person have their “AH HA” moment and realize in an instant which Sound Bath they really need.
Of course, after researching my website, if you are still unsure which one is right for you, I suggest doing the Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™. It includes both sound and channeled energy work.
The reason I recommend Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™ as a starter is, after a client has experienced a session that encompasses everything, the gained awareness gives a client a good jumping off point how to proceed with any future sessions or packages.
Because Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™ personally takes me a minimum of four hours, it is more expensive than the High Vibrational Sound Bath. However, the Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™ gives a client every service available which Just Breathe 108 has to offer. Sound Bath Immersion Therapy ™ is the whole enchilada of services. I always refer to it as “a Sound Bath on steroids.”
To walk away from this recommendation feeling like you really understand, I suggest you read these two pages: FAQ and Sound Bath Immersion Therapy.
Here Is An Example How ‘Sound Bath Immersion Therapy’, as a Jumping-off Point, Helped Some Clients Realize What Their Needs and Desires Were for Future Sessions:
People who have purchased the package, Sounds For Intentional Living ™ initially did the Sound Bath Immersion Therapy as their jumping off point since they did not know where to start. I have never had anyone jump straight into Sounds For Intentional Living ™
However, I have experienced clients realizing the lasting effects of the Sound Bath Immersion Therapy and decide they want to go deeper by doing the 8-week package, Sounds For Intentional Living ™.
Not everyone does that, but it is an example how the ‘Sound Bath Immersion Therapy’ can really provide valuable personal experience to each client when they are making decisions for future sessions.
A Little Bit About Sound Vibration, and Its Effects on Anything
Sound is the most obvious of all therapies using vibration and resonance. In fact, one can check Google or YouTube to see how sound affects water molecules when words of gratitude are spoken vs angry words. Our body’s dominant ingredient is water. Sound IS going to affect every cell in our bodies, one way or the other.
Words are sound; thoughts are sound; instruments create sound. All those sounds go directly to our body and vibrate to whatever it is we feed our body in that moment. It amplifies it.
Sound and Vibration act as a ‘carrier wave’ that supports the body in a rhythmic manner.
In the moment of sound, our minds, energy fields and bodies have no choice but to unwind into a deeper, more productive state of being.
People with depression or PTSD can experience a neutral space to change their whole mind set when immersing themselves in Sound, Vibration and a variety of other energy healing modes.
Maybe a person is a busy mom, or an employee of a stressful corporation in need of a way to relax for a while. Sound is a deep, powerful tool to facilitate these needs.
Benefits of Sound Vibrations:
Just as a ‘body massage’ works out tight and knotted muscles, the “sonic massage” of a Gong Therapy Sound Bath ™ works out emotional issues we need to release in order to move on.
A Gong Therapy Sound Bath ™ detoxifies the blood, harmonizes the cells AND re-boots/balances the brain. There is an actual YouTube video of people who volunteered to have their blood drawn, both before and after a Sound Bath; the sound bath literally changed their blood.
How To Find This Video: If you go to YouTube and search for “blood tests before and after a sound bath”, you will be able to see for yourself, videos of a persons’ blood before a Sound Bath, and after.
Sounds like the Gong, Tibetan Bowls and Crystal Singing Bowls, (used either individually or collectively for a session) evoke a deep, rich intricate web of reverberations that quiets the mind. The combination of sounds induces a profound relaxation, and a state during which self-healing is more likely to occur.