someone holding a Tibetan Bowl over someones head

What Is the “Healing Sounds Of Ancient Tibet ™”?

The ‘Healing Sounds of Ancient Tibet ™’ is a 90-minute sound healing session comprising of only Tibetan bowls. It is a beautiful way to relax and let life’s stresses melt away.

Sometimes people have a hard time meditating. For some, trying to focus on their breathing encourages the chit chat brain to chit chat even more.

The opposite happens when listening to sounds of the Tibetan Bowls: The mind has no choice but to eventually surrender and let go. Listening to the swirls of sound until the vibrational decay ends is the fastest way to help the mind shut off.

In this 90 minute stand-alone sound healing session, I use a deep guided meditation and Tibetan Bowls from Nepal to carry your mind inward. Sometimes I use special Tibetan tools if I need to clear even more energy.


singing bowl session

Tibetan Bowls:

The use of Tibetan Bowls is an ancient healing modality. It utilizes the deep vibrations of the handmade metal bowls in order to bring relief from many different stress-related conditions.

In pre-Buddhist Tibetan Bon culture, the instruments were used for ceremonial purposes, rituals, and various healings.



What Do Sound Practitioners Mean When They Say “Healing”?

The word “healing” can mean so many things.

Usually, in this context, I refer to “energy balancing” and helping the mind let go of stress. It should never be considered a medical diagnosis or medical healing. Sound Therapy is a case of “east meets west”.

Holistic ways of assisting the body to heal and western medicine both can both complement each other. The two do not need to be mutually exclusive. Both can complement each other.

We all know that if we are sick with the flu, ‘rest’ is the best medicine for the immune system and the mind. Rest and relaxation both facilitate healing and boost our immune system.

So it is with Sound as a form of Musical Medicine: When one lets go of their chit chat monkey brain, their body can rest.

Woman with three Tibetan

It follows that, when the body can rest so completely as it does during a sound session, the body must be affected positively. We have just created an environment for something positive to happen.

To some people, “healing” can mean, “I fell asleep and let go of my anxiety for the first time in years.”

Each person can interpret for themselves what “healing” means to them.

For those who have trouble meditating and find that meditation only encourages the monkey brain to chit chat up a storm, Sound Therapy might be an alternative for you.