The Backstory How I Know Dynell

Father and daughterI have known Dynell for many years as a friend and violin student. I am also someone who has used her for Energy Clearings for homes. My daughter (shown in photo), also studies violin with Dynell.

Before I talk about my Sound Bath Immersion Therapy experience, I feel it is important to give a broader context of Dynell and in what capacity I know her.

Over a period of years, I have watched her slowly become more comfortable with her intuitive gifts she hid the better part of her life.

How Dynell teaches, what she brings to the concert stage, and what she offers through sound therapy all come from her positive approach to life. Her whole approach to life is about creating the biggest vibration possible.

For instance, as a violin teacher, she can get my violin sound resonating and so opened up that I love practicing.

Energy Clearing For Homes

Along with her teaching and being a concert violinist, she has obvious other gifts. When Dynell channeled Light Energy On Homes (three, to date), she raised the vibrations.

During her sessions, unusual (but verifiable) events happened.

For instance, I knew of a ghost in my house, but did not tell Dynell. When she was in session raising the vibration in one of each room in my house, she saw a ghost-women wake up. Dynell helped this woman go into the light.

When comparing stories of the house, we were able to identify the origin of the female she helped cross over.

This ghost-woman was the deceased lady from years ago who lived next door. When she was alive, she use to think this property was also her property.

Apparently, she thought this so strongly, after she died she came over to this property and took a nice long nap Dynell awoke her from.

Dynell uses the Light Energy she channels, in combination with sound and vibration. This opens up the world around her, whether it is people in this world or people no longer with us.

She consistently brings into everything her intuitive side and “soul first” approach to life, even as a teacher.

Additionally, Dynell has never been outspoken about her intuitive side. She really did hold that side of her close to the vest for years.

In my case, I found out only because Dynell was forced to tell me about a “mean man” who kept following me into her home when I had lessons. It was my recently deceased father.

Over the years, I have seen her understand and appreciation of energy and light in each person become more refined.

Dynell just has a way of bringing her Light Energy in. Raising vibrations, that is what she does.

Leading Up To My Sound Bath Immersion Therapy experience

I was very happy to learn recently that she wanted to do more work in this field.

Over the years, I have watched as she amassed an amazing collection of rocks, Tibetan artifacts, Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, chimes and now gongs. Each ha a specific vibrational purpose.

A few months ago, I was elated to be asked if I wanted to participate in a private Sound Bath Immersion Therapy session.

For such an event, she transforms her teaching room into a Sound Sanctuary. She has all her instruments, candles and all her crystals she has collected over the years. There are also various statues and representations of Hindu mythology which contribute to a calming presence.

She has Thangkas that use to hang in temples of Tibet, large statues of Saraswati and Lakshmi, and a large Tibetan Saraswati prayer box.

I looked up Saraswati. (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, Sarasvatī). Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and nature.

Since Saraswati is about sound, vibration, music and is always seen with a stringed instrument, you can say Dynell transforms her teaching room into a Saraswati Sound Healing Temple. Dynell brings to her sessions the most personal touch she can possibly give it.

Dynell begins her Sound Bath Immersion Therapy DAYS in advance of the session. She tries to Distant Healing to only two hours prior to the session. However, her channels frequently open 1-3 days before the session and Light Energy Healing begins when her channels open.

She lets people think that Distant Energy Balancing lasts only two hours prior. Her Distant Energy Balancing healing session is different than any other practitioner. She connects to her Place Of Light you can read about here, and channels energy directly from there.

If her channels accidentally open days in advance of those two hours, she doesn’t talk about the extra Light Energy work or even charge for it. She just goes with the flow.

This distant energy work amplifies the raising of the vibrations when one shows up for the in-person part of the Sound Bath Immersion Therapy session.

Now, Onto The Sound Bath Part Of My Session

To begin, Dynell had me accompany her with some breathing and simple movement. She gave me exercises I could even take home. These exercises help me balance my meridian energy field through out the day.

Next, she asked me to lay down on a thick sheepskin rug surrounded by candles while she began her sound bath with some soft sounds.

As I followed the decay of each sound, I noticed I was disconnecting with my day to day world.

She played her gong so quietly at first, it sounded as though it was coming from far away and a timbre you can’t recognize.

Then I felt it not only by the actual physical sensation, but also by the expanding sound that followed as she coupled it with yer crystal bowls.

These are LARGE bowls, all tuned to different frequencies. They are not loud, per se, but their vibrations are quite strong.

When two or more are played together, they create a palpable rubbing up of frequencies. Ones body has no choice but to give over to the sounds and vibrations.

As a musician, I wanted to see how she was doing all of this. It sounded as though there were many people performing, but the sensation was so strong I could only let go of my monkey mind and fall into a different state.

From time to time my brain returned to the present, with a quick thought about lunch or errands. However, it always melted away into a blissful state of relaxation.

My thoughts would briefly touch on things I rarely consciously considered, like my mother’s passing years ago or trusting my daughter to find her own happiness.

Soon, even that dissipated. The feeling was not only of the moment, but also where I no longer felt responsible to anything or any person.

One loses their sense of time in such a state.

If Dynell has said afterward that it had been hours or even minutes, I would not have known the difference.

I felt such a profound sense of rest and lightness afterwards, even a little wobbly. In computer parlance: a reboot.

In Closing… Did Not Want It To End

It is wonderful to see how she is slowly coming out of her shell she put herself in the better part of her life. Exploring her Natural Gifts in different capacities and making them available for others is her journey now. It began with energy clearing for homes, and just grown from there.

I must say, I did not want my sound journey to end. I loved being in that space Dynell sent me through.

Still, I know it is there and I am a little closer to it now, thanks to Dynell.