What Is a Gong Therapy Sound Bath?

A Gong Therapy Sound Bath session is a 90-minute meditative sound session using only a gong. The gong is always the main feature of a Gong Therapy Sound Bath. It can have amazing and verifiable positive effects on the brain and body. Science can actively demonstrate how the brain waves are altered for an induced state of relaxation while gonging.
All you have to do is lay down on a yoga mat, or a massage table (depending on location). Just close your eyes and start following the sound. If you feel resistance, just tell yourself to “surrender to the sound”. The sounds will eventually turn off your chit chat brain, and you will feel that “let go” experience.
The Goal of Gong Therapy for Sound Meditation:
The aim of experiencing the Gong Therapy Sound Bath is to bring a sense of healing to your spirit so you can let go of that which no longer serves you.
In a Gong Therapy Sound Bath, the vibrations alone can shift ones emotional state from that of depression and into a peaceful calm.
If you are healthy in all ways, the gong can recharge you. Even healthy people have stress at work or the need to just take a time-out, some “me time.”
Studies show that brain waves can change with sound and vibration. When the gong causes the brain waves to change, it can create an inner peace, and a heightened sense of awareness.
Some people have tried meditation, but couldn’t go very deep. Their chit-chatty conscious brain keeps taking over. If you have tried meditation and have been unsatisfied with your results, gong sound baths might be the way to go for you. At a point, your brain will have no choice but to surrender to the sounds of the gong.
Gongs have been used for centuries. It is one of the oldest forms of known Sound Baths known. In today’s day and age, the positive effects on the mind and body can be scientifically studied and measured.
Here, in my sound studio, for my entire life, I have been all about the sound, the effect it has on our energy field & chakras, as well the effects sound has on peoples physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Sound (whether it be a symphony or simply vibrations) takes us to hidden parts of our minds, and provides a profound space for us to allow ourselves to merge into the Divine Origin of Pure Consciousness.
Here, we can begin to open to new experiences. Sometimes these experiences can be life changing. Some energy shifts change the whole course of what happens next in Life’s Journey.
Cancer patient & survivor, Will, leads Group Therapy for other cancer patients at a hospital.
Here Is What He Had To Say About His Gong Therapy Experience: