About “Vibration Of Light“: Energy Clearings
On Homes & PeopleEnergy Clearing: What Is It?
Energy clearing for your house is a concept that has been used in many cultures for centuries. It is a method by which I am raising the vibration in order to clear out stuck and/or unwanted energies in your home. Just like sounds create vibrations, thoughts also create vibrations. (Hence, “bad vibe” or “good vibe”.)
Have you ever walked into a room where two people are arguing and used the phrase “I could cut the air with a knife”, because you felt you stepped into a toxic energy field and the air felt thick to you? Well, you were correct. You walked into a toxic stink bomb.
Walls hold energy and vibration just like our bodies do. Our homes are a reflection, even energetically, of us. Just like our human bodies, even a house needs a little energetic facelift from time to time; a reset button, so to speak, needs hitting.
My History: Clearing Home Energies
All my life I have channeled the Vibration Of Light from my Place Of Light. I didn’t even start applying it to humans until later; it never occurred to me. I always liked the feeling of my home when I channeled my energy from my Place Of Light. It always feels good for me to connect to that place.
At first, I only used my hands and channeling ability.
Over the years, it evolved into incorporating my singing bowls which had been gifted to me by a friend who moved and didn’t have room for them. I realized that sound enhanced my channeling capabilities and helped to break up the stuck and unwanted energy faster. Using sound to vibrate the molecules made my process go faster and deeper. Clearing home energies became even easier.
What Is Actually Happening When I Am Clearing Energies For Your House?
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Photo: Vibration Of Light (c)
Story Behind The Above Photo:
I recall a soul from my Place Of Light. No one in this Place Of Light has a body, we are all just pure souls. Therefore, I do not know how to refer to my friend over there. There is no male or female, so I can’t even say “he” or “she”. We are all pure white energy, Beings that exist as souls. When I refer to my “Being Friend”, this is what I am referring to. I am referring to a friend of mine that has no body. This soul is just a “Being”, my “Being Friend”
Once, my Being Friend woke me up and told me to start running energy in my living room. I got up and began running it. It was 2 a.m., dark, no lights on with all the blinds closed — hence, no reflections anywhere. I was just channeling the energy from my Place Of Light, for no reason, standing there in the dark.
About 20 minutes into my process, I heard my Being Friend say, “Take a picture”.
I replied, “I am busy. You got me up to run energy, I am running energy. I can’t take photos too.”
A moment later, my Being Friend got more insistent.
I remained in my argumentative mode saying, “I am busy! You got me up to run Energy, that’s what I am doing!”
Finally, it was strong and loud, “TAKE A PICTURE!”
Good grief! My Being Friend was not going to shut up about insisting that I take a photo.
So I picked up my iPhone with one hand and kept running energy with the other, fully expecting to see a pitch black photo since I was working in a completely dark room.
I finished running my Place Of Light energy, forgot about the photo and went back to bed.
The next morning when I woke up I decided to clear out the black photo I expected to see, but it was anything but a black photo from the dark room. Instead, it was the above photo.
From that point forward, I have called my energy Healing Vibration, “Vibration Of Light.” It is the Light that pours into your home through me every time I do an energetic clearing.
No one has permission, ever, to use my Vibration Of Light photo for any of their energy work promotion in any way shape or form. This energy comes from a deeply personal moment when I was running energy from my Place Of Light. Only a handful of my closest friends have copies of the original.

Who Benefits From Energy Clearings For Your Home?
- People Who Just Built A Home & Want To Align The Energy
- People Who Are Moving Into A New Home
- People Who Are Trying To Sell A Home
- People Who Are Remodeling
- People Who Have Been Through a Long Term Illness
- People Who Have Been Through Long Term Stress
- People Who Bring Their Work Worries Home With Them
- People Who Just Want An “Energetic Facelift” and my Place Of Light Energy

Testimonial 1:
Dynell is an amazing jewel. I hired her to do Energy Clearing in my home because I was just having these feelings of my walls closing in. That did not seem right, since my house has 10,000 square feet.
I realized maybe there was stuck energy, and maybe Dynell could help. I know that I suffer from depression, so maybe that had something to do with it. I had no idea.
I hired Dynell to come over. She did both distant and in person work when clearing on my home. She began the process by doing an energy clearing on me, personally. She did her Vibration Of Light healing on me, then began the process through out each room of my home. That was huge work for her since she brings her rocks, crystals and singing bowls – in addition to channeling her energy of Light.
The process was about four days long. The in-person part was one full day and a partial second day. However, she tuned in days before she came over, so had begun her energy clearing prior to showing up.
I suffer from depression which keeps me awake at night. After Dynell energy clearing on my home though, I never slept so good. It was like a dark cloud parted. Even my clinical depression lifted for a few weeks! By the time she finished her final in-person portion, the house seemed so much bigger, more like a 10,000 square foot home should feel.
I could feel the difference of stuck energy -v- energy brought back into alignment. I didn’t understand what that meant until I experienced it first hand. When she was done, my house felt as it should feel: BIG.
Dynell truly let her Light Shine through her and into to my home.
Since then, I have her come over twice a year for a refresher just to “clean out the energy trash” as I like to say.
If you ever feel you need an energy clearing for your home, I highly recommend her. She is the real deal.